Vol 11|No 1|September|2001 | |
Whether building a grape arbor, crafting the solution to an environmental problem, or fabricating a new Web site, an invention team should definitely consult conventional plans, conventional wisdom and leading authorities to see which strategies have been tried in the past, which elements have proven successful and which aspects might require a fresh approach. This opening stage of research is all too often the final step for teams without faith in their own creativity, originality and abilities, but progress requires something more demanding and more exciting. We are looking for value added, the next generation of mousetrap or mouse or track pad. We are committed to the notion that human ingenuity can usually find ways to enhance and improve what has gone before. Page 4 1. Looking for Plans & Conventional Wisdom 2. Adapting the Plans to Local Conditions 3. Collecting the Elements 4. Digging 5. Resting 6. Assembling and Cementing 7. Foundation Work 8. Assembly 9. Learning New Skills 10. Synthesis 11. Considering Context 12. More Assembly 13. Combination 14. Revision 15. Completion? 16. Extension? 17. Synthesis 18. Two More Sections 19. SCAMPER 20. Wondering 21. Looking Around 22. Growing the Idea |
Back to September CoverCredits: The photographs were shot by Jamie McKenzie. Copyright Policy: © 2001, Jamie McKenzie, all rights reserved. Materials published in From Now On may be duplicated in hard copy format if unchanged in format and content for educational, nonprofit school district and university use only and may also be sent from person to person by e-mail. This copyright statement must be included. All other uses, transmissions and duplications are prohibited unless permission is granted expressly. Showing these pages remotely through frames is not permitted. |