Engaging Students in the Making of Good New Ideas
Module Four - - Puzzles, Mysteries and Conundrums
What is required to wrest meaning from the fog?

While puzzles, mysteries and conundrums can be confounding, they usually require lots of original thought. Could/should schools implement a "Mystery Curriculum?"

What is the difference between a puzzle and a mystery? Write some comments in your learning log.

Take a look at http://jigzone.com. What are the weaknesses of jigsaw puzzles as metaphors for synthesis and wrestling with really challenging issues?

We need to share several metaphors with students to help them visualize and understand the inventive thinking involved in managing complexity. How does weaving work as a metaphor?

Take a look at http://www.weaveit.com/products.aspx How does weaving improve your understanding of synthesis as a creative process of blending new understandings and evidence into what you already know? Write some comments in your learning log.

Please do not move to next module until instructed to do so by the facilitator.

© Jamie McKenzie, 2008, all rights reserved. No copies can be made or distributed in any format without the express written permission of the author.