Engaging Students in the Making of Good New Ideas
Module One - The Standards
How do international documents such as the WA Curriculum Framework and the Victorian Essential Learning statements as well as the AASL, ISTE and 21st Century standards all call for the making of good new ideas?

Scan the following documents and extract the key phrases that stress the importance of original thought. Place them in the learning log that you will be using all day as you work through these modules.

  • SACSA (link)
  • Alberta Program of Studies (English)
  • Queensland Standards (link)
  • WA Curriculum Framework (link)
  • Victorian Essential Learning Standards (link)
  • AASL Standards for the 21st-Century Learner (link)
  • ISTE National Educational Technology Standards (link)
  • Framework for 21st Century Learning (link)

Please do not move to next module until instructed to do so by the facilitator.

© Jamie McKenzie, 2008, all rights reserved. No copies can be made or distributed in any format without the express written permission of the author.