Keynotes and Workshops
that have an impact upon daily practice
In the current economy, very few schools have money for professional development. With resources being so scarce, every hour of staff learning must be practical and full of impact. It must pass the test of Monday morning - equipping teachers with powerful techniques to improve student results. Better questioning. Stronger inference. Improved comprehension. Persuasive thinking and writing.
Jamie's sessions pass this test. They are exciting because of his dramatic presentation style, but they are also sensible and down-to-earth.
- School Librarians - Why we still need them!
- The Great Report
- The Brilliant Question
- Teaching students to make sound inferences
- Making Great Digital Lessons
- Nurturing original and inventive thinking
- Questioning 101
- Fighting Plagiarism
- Preparing Students for the CCS
- Image Power: Making Digital Images Roar
- Skills for this Century
- Gifted Thinking - Thinking Gifted
- Lifting the Bar for the Core Standards
- Reflecting on Reflection
- Laptop Thinking and Writing
- Lost and Found - Discovery Learning through Purposeful Wandering
- eReading: How is reading changing thanks to eBooks and
how can we improve comprehension with these tools?
- Is the iPad a Game Changer?
- Engaging students in making good new ideas. Every student a thinker!
- Building Powerful Lessons with Digital Resources
- Replacing Faux Inquiry with Real Inquiry
- Managing the Laptop Classroom and Program
- Beyond Cut-and-Paste: Engaging Students in Making Good New Ideas
- Reading Across a Dozen Literacies
- Teaching Media Literacy
- Beating the Tests
- Reading Between Digital Lines
Contact me at
to arrange a keynote or workshop.