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 From Now On
The Educational Technology Journal

 Vol 12|No4|December|2002

Haphazardous Planning: Trusting (Foolishly) to Chance and Happenstance

By Jamie McKenzie
About the Author

Previously published in the October, 2002 issue of the Classroom Connect Newsletter, this article argues against dropping computers into classrooms without attending to 1) Courtship; 2) Preparation; 3) Support; 4) Balance; 5) Discernment and 6) Pacing.

New McKenzie book
Released in November

Just in Time Technology

Special Holiday Sale on McKenzie 4 Pack

All four books by Jamie McKenzie for the price of three.
An important new book from Australia with a focus on problem-based learning, questioning and literacies.

Other Worldly Learning

When students rely upon digital information to learn about other cultures and cities, what are the dangers? How can teachers guard against students experiencing "virtual social studies" and picking up glib, tourist views of other lands? McKenzie suggests teaching strategies and offers up a "Veracity Model" to guide student exploration.

This is a preview chapter from Jamie McKenzie's new book, Just in Time Technology.

By Jamie McKenzie
About the Author

No Room at the School

How does the crowding of good schools improve learning? The new rules from the Ed Department promise parents the right to move children from a so-called failing school to a so-called successful school whether there is space available or not.

No child left behind? Will some of the radical "reform" strategies of the current federal education law actually undermine the success of public schools?

Credits: The photographs were shot by Jamie McKenzie.
Copy Editing by Aimee Cremasco of Word Associates

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