
the educational technology journal

Vol 19|No 4|March 2010
Beauty and the Beast: Using Digital Riches to Enhance Learning
By Jamie McKenzie

Long an advocate of using new technologies in smart ways to deepen and enhance student thinking, communicating, inventing and problem-solving, Jamie provides examples of ways that digital resources can take students to the highest levels of Bloom's Taxonomy as well as a new Taxonomy he has created to measure the level of originality and synthesis shown in student work. He will also touch briefly on the limitations of digital life, pointing to Thoreau's words, "in Wildness is the preservation of the world."

Why We Still Need Libraries
and Librarians

By Jamie McKenzie

Many school leaders are busily laying off trained librarians and replacing them with aides or simply shutting down the school library. In an Age of Information, this approach to staffing amounts to intellectual disarmament, but many have been seduced to think that information literacy is a minor matter in what they call a "Digital Age." Quick to embrace the false claims of artificial intelligence, these leaders are doing the young a major disservice. With severe state educational budget cuts looming, "The Race to the Top" is taking on some of the ironic meaning once carried primarily by "No Child Left Behind."

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