Toolishness . . .
There are no global boundaries when it comes to toolishness.
It has spread far and wide . . . a fondness for tools that transcends purpose and utility . . . as when folks grab a hammer to paint a flower just because they like hammers or because hammers are trendy or when they allow a computer to speak for them to an audience instead of telling their stories with a natural voice or when people turn to search engines to find truths more likely to reside in books or their own hearts.
Toolishness is closely associated with other terms such as Foolishness, PowerPointlessness, MicroSoftness, Mentalsoftness, Disneyfication, Edutainment and Infotainment.
- Click here for an article on combatting mentalsoftness and glib thinking
- Click here for an article on combatting powerpointlessness
- Click here for an article on the disneyfication of information.
- Click here for an article on edutainment and infotainment.
There will be an article in the September, 2001 issue of From Now On fully delineating the influence and damage done by toolishness.
June, 2001