From Now On
The Educational Technology Journal

 Vol 13|No 5|January|2004

Hitting the Books:
Back to the Library

By Jamie McKenzie

Now that we have tasted a decade of digital research, those schools that maintained strong library programs and solid print collections throughout those years are thankful for the marriage of new information technologies with old.

Two Photo Galleries:

1. Wonder Boxes and Wonderful Books
2. Was Bowie a Hero?

An important new book from Australia with a focus on problem-based learning, questioning and literacies.

How do teachers learn?

By Jamie McKenzie

New technologies were brought into many schools without paying much attention to the research on staff development and adult learning. One organization dedicated to best practices is NSDC (The National Staff Development Council). McKenzie reports on the recent NSDC conference and comments on the market segmentation that sometimes blocks teachers from the knowledge they need.

Announcing Pre-Conference Workshops from Jamie McKenzie

NECC - June 20

Register now for big savings.

Credits: The photographs were shot by Jamie McKenzie.
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