Planning Good Change - Page 26 - Next Page

First Things First

C. Access (continued)

  • Does the amount of access match program needs?
  • To what extent are computers located so that students and staff may use them when they need them?
  • Can computers be moved around conveniently to support learning goals in a flexible manner?
  • Are all computers located where they are likely to be used 85% or more of the time?
  • Are computers placed in specific locations because they are needed there for predefined purposes and goals or are they placed in locations without any clear purpose other than balanced distribution?
  • Are computers distributed in line with learning models and research which have been proven effective or are they placed in locations without any clear purpose other than balanced distribution?
  • Is there an appropriate balance between "open access" computers as opposed to computers located in scheduled access rooms and labs where an "appointment" is required?
  • Is there a plan to move away from "lab-centered" access to "distributed" access as staff and students develop the skills and capacity to sustain a "distributed" system?
  • Is there a clear understanding of "critical mass" - the minimal essential number of classroom computers required to sustain significant use? Self-contained elementary classrooms require 1 computer for every 4-5 students. Secondary classrooms require 1 computer for every 2-3 students but most secondary teachers prefer access to such resources only 20-25 per cent of the time because coverage pressures make anything more quite unlikely.

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