Country Comparison | Indicator Comparison

  Infant mortality rate (under 1),2003 I-1 I-2 Total population (thousands),2003 I-3 Life expectancy at birth (years), 2003 I-4 I-3 Total adult literacy rate,2000 I-5 I-6 Net primary school enrolment / attendance (%) (1996-2003) I-7 I-8 % share of household income 1992-2002,lowest 40% I-9 I-10 % of infants with low birthweight 1998-2003 I-11 I-12 % of children who are exclusively breastfed (<6 months) (1995-2003) I-13 % of total population using improved drinking water sources (2002) I-14 % of total population using adequate sanitation facilities (2002) I-14 % of routine EPI vaccines financed by government (2003) I-15 I-16 I-17 % of one-year-olds fully immunized against tuberculosis (2003) I-17 % of one-year-olds fully immunized against DPT3 (2003) I-18 I-17 Adult literacy rate,male (2000) I-19 I-20 Adult literacy rate,female (2000) I-19 I-20 No. of phones sets per 100 people (2002) I-21 No. of internet users per 100 people (2002) I-21 Secondary school enrolment ratio,gross,male (1998-2002) I-22 Secondary school enrolment ratio,gross,female (1998-2002) I-22 GNI per capita (US$),2003 I-23 I-10 % of children (5-14 years) in child labour (1999-2003) I-24 I-25
Botswana 82 1785 39 77 84 D-1 7 10 34 95 41 100 99 97 75 80 33 3 D-2 70 75 3430 -
Burundi 114 6825 41 48 47 D-1 15 16 62 79 36 6 84 74 56 40 1 0 12 9 100 24
Cameroon 95 16018 46 71 74 D-1 15 11 12 63 48 100 82 73 79 64 5 0 36 29 640 51
Central African Republic 115 3865 40 47 43 D-1 7 14 17 75 27 0 70 40 60 35 1 0 15 D-2 6 D-2 260 56
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 129 52771 42 61 51 D-1 - 12 24 46 29 0 68 49 73 50 1 0 24 13 100 28 D-3
Côte d'Ivoire 117 16631 41 49 57 D-1 15 17 10 84 40 58 66 54 60 37 8 1 30 16 660 35
Eritrea 45 4141 53 56 61 D-1 - 21 D-2 52 57 9 0 91 83 67 45 1 0 33 22 190 -
Ethiopia 112 70678 46 39 30 D-1 22 15 55 22 6 18 76 56 47 31 1 0 23 15 90 43 D-3
Gambia 90 1426 54 37 52 D-1 12 17 26 82 53 63 99 90 44 30 10 2 40 28 310 22
Ghana 59 20922 58 72 74 D-1 16 11 31 79 58 28 92 80 80 63 3 1 41 34 320 57 D-3
Kenya 79 31987 44 82 72 D-1 15 11 13 62 48 36 87 73 89 76 5 1 34 30 390 25
Nigeria 98 124009 51 64 60 D-1 13 14 17 60 38 100 48 25 72 56 2 0 33 D-2 28 D-2 320 39 D-3
Rwanda 118 8387 39 67 75 D-1 23 D-2 9 84 73 41 50 88 96 74 60 2 0 15 14 220 31
Senegal 78 10095 53 37 47 D-1 17 18 24 72 52 100 77 73 47 28 8 1 22 15 550 33
South Africa 53 45026 47 85 90 6 15 7 87 67 100 97 94 86 85 41 7 83 90 2780 -
Swaziland 105 1077 34 80 71 D-1 9 9 24 52 52 100 97 95 81 79 10 2 45 45 1350 8
Uganda 81 25827 47 67 87 D-2 16 12 63 56 41 7 96 81 78 57 2 0 19 15 240 34
Zambia 102 10812 33 78 67 D-1 11 12 40 55 45 5 94 80 85 72 2 0 27 21 380 11
Zimbabwe 78 12891 33 89 85 D-1 13 11 33 83 57 0 92 80 93 85 6 4 45 40 480 D-2 26 D-3
Sub-Saharan Africa 104 665496 46 61 58 11 14 28 57 36 45 74 60 69 53 5 1 29 23 496 -

Include notes in export  

Indicator Notes:
I-1 Probability of dying between birth and exactly one year of age expressed per 1,000 live births.
I-2 Source: UNICEF, United Nations Population Division and United Nations Statistics Division.
I-3 Source: United Nations Population Division.
I-4 The number of years newborn children would live if subject to the mortality risks prevailing for the cross-section of population at the time of their birth.
I-5 Percentage of persons aged 15 and over who can read and write.
I-6 Source: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and UNESCO Institute of Statistics (UIS), including the Education for All 2000 Assessment.
I-7 Derived from net primary school enrolment rates as reported by UNESCO/UIS (UNESCO Institute of Statistics) and from national household survey reports of attendance at primary school.
I-8 Source: UIS and UNESCO, including the Education for All 2000 Assessment, Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS) and Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS).
I-9 Percentage of income received by the 20 per cent of households with the highest income and by the 40 per cent of households with the lowest income.
I-10 Source: World Bank.
I-11 Less than 2,500 grams.
I-12 Source: Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS), Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS), other national household surveys and data from routine reporting systems.
I-13 Source: DHS, MICS, and UNICEF.
I-14 Source: UNICEF, World Health Organization (WHO), Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS) and Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS).
I-15 Percentage of vaccines routinely administered in a country to protect children that are financed by the national government (including loans).
I-16 Expanded Programme on Immunization: The immunizations in this programme include those against TB, DPT, polio and measles, as well as protecting babies against neonatal tetanus by vaccination of pregnant women. Other vaccines (e.g. against hepatitis B or yellow fever) may be included in the programme in some countries.
I-17 Source: UNICEF and WHO.
I-18 Percentage of infants that received three doses of diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough) and tetanus vaccine.
I-19 Percentage of persons aged 15 and over who can read and write.
I-20 Source: UNESCO Institute for Statistics, including the Education for All 2000 Assessment.
I-21 Source: International Telecommunications Union, Yearbook of Statistics 1992-2002.
I-22 Source: UNESCO Institute for Statistics, including the Education for All 2000 Assessment.
I-23 Gross national income (GNI) is the sum of value added by all resident producers plus any product taxes (less subsidies) not included in the valuation of output plus net receipts of primary income (compensation of employees and property income) from abroad. GNI per capita is gross national income divided by mid-year population. GNI per capita in US dollars is converted using the World Bank Atlas method.
I-24 Percentage of children aged 5-14 years of age involved in child labour activities at the moment of the survey. A child Is considered to be involved in child labour activities under the following classification: (a) children 5-11 years of age that during the week preceding the survey, did at least one hour of economic activity or at least 28 hours of domestic work and, (b) children 12-14 years of age that during the week preceding the survey did at least 14 hours of economic activity or at least 42 hours of economic activity and domestic work combined.
I-25 Source: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) and Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS).
Data Notes:
D-1 National household survey data.
D-2 Indicates data that refer to years or periods other than those specified in the column heading, differ from the standard definition, or refer to only part of a country.
D-3 Indicates data that differ from the standard definition or refer to only part of a country, but are included in the calculation of regional and global averages.