Scientific Literacy

Image Credit: NASA/JPL/Cornell

Just what do we mean by "scientific literacy?"

Activity One - How would you define it?

Take a quick stab at writing a one sentence definition with your partner in a word processing program.

Activity Two - How do AASA and Project 2061 define it?

Check out the Project 2061 site and see if the document enhances your first draft (click here).

Activity Three - Which of the following important classroom science learning possibilities and strategies are most likely to strengthen scientific literacy? Rank them from highest to lowest value.

Text Books
Lab Experiments
Field Research
Discovery Activities
Reading/viewing of Print Materials
Reading/viewing of Digital Materials

Activity Four - Knowing when new technologies have the edge . . .

Under what circumstances would digital resources have an advantage over more classic technologies like print resources?

Activity Five - Learning from "Spirit" and "Rover"

An Essential Question: Should we increase our funding of space exploration?
How does the NASA web site help answer such a question?
In what ways is it insufficient?
Click for Rover Mission Web Site

Activity Six - When is a textbook superior and why?

Activity Seven - When does the Internet supplement a textbook admirably?

Consider this material from TERC and McDougal-Littell.

Final Activity - How do we make smart uses of new tools?

© 2004, Jamie McKenzie,
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